We finally made it to Port Vila- the capital of Vanuatu. Right after we stepped off the plane, we were greeted by the Peace Corps country director, local staff, and some of the current volunteers!
Everything here is beautiful and everyone has been treating us so well. We are staying in the capital here for one week, then we move to a small village about 20km away for the rest of our training (10 weeks).
I will have email access all week and once a week during training, so feel free to email me at: laura.klatka@gmail.com
Port Vila pictures:
so yeah, i'm not jealous of your life or anything!!
i'm so excited you're keeping up a blog. it was the best decision i made when i was away (ok, so ur going to be gone for 6x longer than i was, but still). if you keep it up-to-date, u'll be so happy when you come home. it's amazing to go back and read it and see how much you've changed, even just a couple months down the line.
i can't say how happy i am for you and i hope all your fellow PCVs are fun and supportive. how many PCVs are in vanuatu at any given time?
we're actually planning on going to the PA Renaissance Faire this weekend! (pretend i sang that in a high-pitched and out-of-tune chorus)
Well written article.
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